Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Visit from Mom and Dad

On Thursday night, we saw my parents off from Carrasco airport. They had been in Uruguay just a week for their first trip here, their first ever to South America. My dad kept remarking about how surprised he was that it was so lovely here. I’ll have to review my previous blog entries - maybe I have done Uruguay some disservice in this blog and that is why he was expecting “West Virginia”. I found this notion of his extremely odd, but maybe my postings about dead cows, dogs, giant kitty litter piles, errant bulls and all manner of biting insects had something to do with its formation.

At Arlecchino, home of the best gelato in Punta del Este.

That preconception happily dispelled, we enjoyed showing them around. They benefited from our first five months of trial and error as we got our bearings here. We distilled down the very best of our first months and tried to show them a good time. Uruguay cooperated with perfect weather. And to make sure we had plenty of Uruguay to show them next time they are here (it is a small country after all), we spent two nights in the throbbing, pulsating, very much alive city of Buenos Aires. It was our first overnight trip to the big city (and I mean big, B.A. alone has nearly four times the population of the entire country of Uruguay). In Uruguay, we were the expert guides; but across the river, we were every bit the unaware tourists and didn’t mind playing the part.

Mom and me on the steps of the very swanky Alvear Palace Hotel in Recoleta, Buenos Aires. We stayed across the street, at the Ulises Suites boutique hotel.

Mom and Dad are safely home in northern Virginia now, fresh with new experiences to share with the rest of our family. Steve (Dad) has a little saying – “company and fish, they both smell after three days”. Maybe, but I was still sad to see them go.

1 comment:

  1. One truth about travel, you never return home the same person; you never go back to 'normal', back to the 'routine'. You go back richer for the experience and wiser for the people as Dad and I did after our wonderful visit to Uruguay. love, Mom


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