Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Abre la puerta, cierra la puerta.

Good fences make good neighbors. True for property as well as human relationships, if boundaries are known, they can be respected.
In rural Uruguay, every property seems to have a gate, from the most humble to the grandest. Therefore, I find myself opening and closing gates often. Every time we leave our house in the car, we go through a ritual of locking everything up, driving to the gate, stopping at the gate for one person to get out of the car to open it and then lock it behind us.
When we visit our friend Gloria, she usually leaves the gate opening if she is expecting us at a particular time. Last April, when we visited the owners of the Alto de la Ballena winery, I recall opening and closing behind us no fewer than three gates.
So when you visit, be a good neighbor and close the gate behind you.

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